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Ten Differences Between FundRaiser Basic and FundRaiser Online

There's a world of difference between FundRaiser Online and FundRaiser Basic. We've listed the Top 10 differences here, but if you would like to learn even more about FundRaiser Online, complete this form to have one of our representatives contact you to arrange a free trial of the product.

Also, as an existing FundRaiser Basic user, you will be glad to hear that we are offering a limited time Spring Savings Deal for upgrading - take 10% off your monthly hosting fees for a year! Plus, all your FundRaiser Basic data, including your letters, will convert to FundRaiser Online format in one simple operation that we run for you. There is no re-keying of data when you stay within the FundRaiser Family.

The Top 10 (click each item for more information):

{slide=1. Unlimited coding:}

In Basic, you are limited to three codes per donor and one per gift. In FundRaiser Online, there is no limit to the number of codes per donor, and you have 4 per gift: Motivation (called Source in Basic), Fund, Purpose, and Solicitor.

{/slide}{slide=2. Unlimited Spare Fields:}

These are user-defined text, code, date, number, or checkbox fields that you configure as you desire. For example, you can have one for social security number, another for marital status or ethnicity, and a third for a follow-up date.

{/slide}{slide=3. Campaign Management: :}

Easily track all the details of your campaigns; annual fund drives, one-time events, appeal letters - any type of campaign can be built and tracked in the new Campaign Management Console. See who was invited, who attended, who donated, who sponsored the event or table, and track your ROI.

{/slide}{slide=4. Online Access: }

Unleash yourself from your office with online access to FundRaiser. Ideal for volunteers, those of you who work from home, or on the road. FundRaiser Online comes standard with one (1) concurrent user, meaning only one user can be logged-in at a time, but unlimited user accounts can be created. Additional concurrent users can also be purchased. 

{/slide}{slide=5. Email System:}

This is a complete email management system for sending, receiving, and archiving all your donor emails. Whenever you print letters, you have the option to print and/or email those letters to your donors. Email is sent as one message to one person, with the subject line and message custom mail-merged for each person. Incoming email is automatically sorted; "bounceback" messages are processed (when the donors change their email addresses).

{/slide}{slide=6. Queries (Groupings):}

First, you have many more criteria, and much more flexibility, including the ability to have one criteria OR another and NOT a third. Second, you can save your queries (they're called Groupings in FundRaiser Online) for later use. Third, you can delete a Grouping from the Master file (great way to purge old inactive records) and you can assign the same code to everyone in a Grouping.

{/slide}{slide=7. More Reports:}

More reports, more options, and the ability to define your own report:

  • Donation Summary Report - gives a breakdown of donations by a variety of factors including codes and giving levels.
  • Donor Level Report - breaks your donors into user-definable giving levels for any time period.
  • New Names - shows how many new names you have recorded per month over the years
  • New Donors - a new donor is someone who has given for the first time. This report shows how many new donors you have had per month over the years.
  • Solicitor Summary - for those who assign donors to board members and other volunteers, especially during a fundraising campaign.
  • Correspondence Reports - for any of the sections that batch-print letters, you can also print a report showing who is to receive which letters.
  • User-Definable Report - you pick and choose the fields (columns) you want on the report, and the order in which the report is to be printed.
{/slide}{slide=8. Improved Word Processor:}

You can include graphic images like scanned signatures or logo's. Also, bulleted and numbered paragraphs, fully justified text, and a controllable ruler with tab stops and indents. Plus, you have many new merge functions including some with tables for neat formatting of mini-reports.

{/slide}{slide=9. Internationalization:}

FundRaiser Online picks up your preferred date format and your currency symbol from the Windows settings. You can also tell FundRaiser what term to use instead of "State" (we're listening to you, Canada). Telephone and postal code formats can be set to your personal preference. You can even record donations made in foreign currencies and record the converted local currency amount, and be able to merge either or both in your thank you letter or receipt. You can also modify and add to the country addressing standards that come with FundRaiser.

{/slide}{slide=10. Membership, Pledges, Volunteer, and Tributes Management:}

These are typically extra-cost addon's that we've built in to FundRaiser Online to give you extra functionalily. Now you can easily track membership expiration dates and send renewal letters, track pledges - even those with unusual payment periods, track volunteer hours and availability, and easily record and report on tribute donations. 


Remember, as a FundRaiser Basic user, you get a 10% discount off the regular monthly fees for FundRaiser Online for an entire year! This offer is available through May 31st, so act now to move your organization up to the next level of donor management!

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