By Mary Lenker on Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Category: Non-Profit Fundraising Tips

Track Thank You Letter Effectiveness

Have you ever thought about tracking the repeat donors from the thank you letters they receive? Do you include an ask or a reply coupon in the thank you letters to solicit additional donations?

It’s not a common thing to do, and yet, by generating another ask, you may be surprised by how many people will donate again. How would you track responses to thank you letters?

The first step is to create multiple thank you letters, perhaps each with a different ask at the bottom. You don’t need a lot. Usually two or three are good if you’re looking to compare results. When you give each thank you letter a different code, it will be possible to create a grouping selecting only donors who have received a particular thank you letter. If you wish, the criteria can be further narrowed to include a certain date range, so you can compare month against month how specific letters are doing for your organization.

Then, with the grouping you’ve created, you can run not just donor or donation reports, but also our summary report, which provides much more in-depth information. The Donor Period Comparison report will show you how those donors do month to month (or with specific time periods like quarterly or yearly selected). With this information you’ll be able to really see how the different calls to make additional donations are doing, and perhaps even refine them to make them better.

To learn more about how FundRaiser can help you track donors and donations register for a tour or if you are already a FundRaiser user, contact FundRaiser Technical Support at or 800-543-4131.


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