By Mary Lenker on Wednesday, 05 September 2018
Category: Non-Profit Fundraising Tips

Solicitor Codes & Reports: Not Just For Major Donors

When it comes to solicitors, most organizations think of them as something only major donors have, and if the organization works primarily in smaller dollar donations, then they might not use solicitors. However, solicitors are an excellent idea if you like to track your donors’ influencers. Our solicitor code and report will make it easy.

The Donor Solicitor Code can be found on both the Codes tab as well as the Name Details > Misc. tab and is traditionally thought of as a way to show which volunteer or board member is assigned to solicit, or encourage, donations from that particular donor. Because most organizations don’t have someone working with each and every donor, the donor solicitor code is often used only for major donors.


However, don’t limit your organization to only using solicitors on those high dollar donors. Donors who give regularly or even several times a year deserve your attention as well, and a little personal touch beyond simply sending appeal letters may help ensure future donations. You may wish to run a Donor Comparison Report (found in FundRaiser Select & Professional) to see which donors give reliably each quarter or even each month. Then, you can assign solicitors to those donors.

Why would you want to assign solicitors? When you assign solicitors, you can then see which board members, for example, are more effective at bringing in donations or even compare influencers to see if one person or method seems to resonate with your donors and prospects.

Our Solicitor Report, allows you to list your solicitors and the donors (and donations) assigned to them. You can check pledge fulfillment as well as see which donors don’t have a solicitor assigned even though one (or more) gifts do.

If you’d like to learn more about the donor solicitor code, please sign up for our Coding & Spare Fields class, and our Solicitor Report is covered in the Reports class. You'll find times and days when these live webinar training classes are held on our Training Calendar

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