FundRaiser Software has been serving community-supported radio and TV stations since the 1980's with easy to use donor management software and friendly support.

Besides the normal fundraising functionality that we put in all three of our main FundRaiser donor management programs, you will be especially interested in the following special modules and programs:

  • Premiums Module This module is ideal for those who give premiums in return for donations. It prints shipping labels, handles out-of-stock items, and includes several helpful reports. Does your staff dread the phone calls that inevitably come in after a phonathon? You know, the pledgers wondering when they will get their coffee mug or CD? Now, with FundRaiser's Premiums module, you can quickly look up the caller, either on-screen or on a report, to see when their premium was shipped. No more stalling or guessing.

    This module has a simple inventory program that keeps track of how many of each premium you have in-stock and how many have been promised to pledgers, so you can order more in time to fill all the requests. It will not print a shipping label if items are out-of-stock. It also won't print a label until you indicate that payment has been received. It can even handle the cases where the donor picks up their premium in person.


  • Memberships Module This is an absolute must for all community-supported radio and TV stations who want to turn sporadic donors into consistent donors. It enables you to treat your donors as true members or subscribers, each with their own individual expiration/renewal date. It gives you the tools to build a great membership program based on benefits and clear cut-off dates, but with the flexibility to handle unusual situations.

    Printing membership renewal letters is a snap. You do so each month by telling FundRaiser to print for everyone with an expiration date a month or so (your choice) in the future. Or you can wait until after your phonathon to mail only to those who failed to renew during the campaign. You can even mail to all your subscribers, telling them of the upcoming phonathon and offering to cancel it if everyone gives early.

    Of course, printing newsletter labels is also simple. Just print for all active (non-expired) members.

    Wonder how effective your membership campaign has been the last 12 months? Run an analytical report which breaks down New, Renew, Rejoin, and Lapsed members into a wide variety of coded segments.

    Default membership renewal dates can be set to fit anyone's pattern, and even then you can overwrite the default date for a special case. You can require a specific membership dues amount or accept any amount over some minimum ($5, $30, or more).


  • Free FundRaiser Phonathon Program This free program is used to display the current phonathon totals in big bold numbers on the screen to make it easy for the announcer to read from.

    Totals are shown for the entire period, today, yesterday, this hour and last hour. Additional sub-totals can be shown for two user-defined "groups", like New/Renewal or Day Partner/Monthly Giver/One-Time.

    This free program can be run on its own, or in conjunction with one of our FundRaiser programs.

Modules are available as options in FundRaiser Select, and are included as standard in FundRaiser Professional. Our entry level program, FundRaiser Basic, cannot take modules but is flexible enough to handle some of their more basic functions.

Remember, we offer a variety of programs and payment options to fit every budget, even those of brand new LPFM stations!